Biggest achievement in life
This may be outside the business world but it's a real world issue. I have always had problems with my health since I was 10 years old. I suffered from obesity most of my life, it was one of my biggest obstacles and needed to do something about it. Over the past 5 years I decided to take my health seriously and find a solution to this problem. I tried many ways to lose weight from going to gym to being selective on my food. I found a kind of a formula to my weight loss journey and what worked for me. I first tried to stop eating meat, eating salt, ultra processed foods, etc and going to the gym at the same time but none of that worked and didn't acheive the results. So I was following the science and was careful on the information I am reading up because there is a lot misinformation out there even from many health organisations.
I looked at what our ancestors hundreds of years ago used to eat and the activities they did. I looked into the Keto community and thought at first that this is another fad diet but once I learned about it, it made sense about what foods do to your body. Some people call it a diet or a lifestyle but I see it more of an awareness about the food that we eat in modern times and what is causing all of these health problems to many people around the world.
It was a combination between healthy eating and intermittent fasting. I had to give up the foods that were contributing to my bad health and adapt to a healthier lifestyle. Between 2020 and 2021, I was at my highest of 120kg and I lost over 40kg which took about over a year to achieve those results. I didn't do much exercise apart from lifting a few weights and intermittent fasting was my main driver for making this work. It was all mainly to do with time and consumption. I did log this every other day and took photos to see the progress I made. This was the results:
After achieving these results, my mind was a lot clearer, productivity levels were much higher and my body was moving a lot faster. I see this as my biggest acheivement because it was the most challenging task for me to do and probably for many other people out there. My main focus was consistency and I believe that consistency is what makes the results. It doesn't end there, there's still work to be done on maintaining and making sure I don't go back to where I was before.
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